Who we are
We are a voluntary organisation of parents and carers of children and young people with additional needs and/or disabilities in Suffolk who aim to be a voice to inform service providers of the needs of disabled children, young people and their families.
What we do.
We facilitate two–way communication between parents and carers and services and we work to provide feedback on services, offer constructive challenge to current services and have input into decision making and planning for future service provision.
We believe that parents and carers can contribute to improvements in the services delivered for children and young people by working cooperatively with local service providers .
We seek to ensure we represent a range of diverse views on behalf of children and young people with additional needs and/or disabilities and their parents and carers’ by welcoming membership from all backgrounds and sectors of the community.
A management board meets regularly to oversee the way SPCN is run and coordinate our involvement with services.
Who can be a member?
Anyone who lives in Suffolk who is or has been a parent, carer, grandparent, foster parent or guardian that cares for a child or young person aged between 0-25 with additional needs and/or disabilities, or someone with a professional interest in the provision these children and young people need.
We do not limit our members to children and young people with a particular need. Your child or young person could have a number of issues from Autism to Down’s Syndrome.
Your child or young person does not have to have any kind of diagnosis for you to be a member of SPCN.